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Animal camouflage, mimicry and warnings

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A harmless snake that copies the pattern and colours of a dangerous snake to protect itself is using...
What does this moth look like?
A dry leaf
What kind of camouflage is this?
Give an example of how animals use colours as a warning?
Some snakes and frogs use bright colours to warn that they are poisonous.
What type of camouflage is this?
What type of camouflage is this?
What type of camouflage is this?
True or False: Humans use camouflage.
True. For example, soldiers sometimes wear camouflage when in combat.
True or False: Camouflage is a result of evolution.
True. Over a long time, species adapted to their environments and camouflage helped them to survive.
True or False: Humans invented camouflage.
False. Humans have copied this technique from animals.
Name three animals that DON'T use camouflage...
Peacocks, parrots, tropical fish, etc.
What type of camouflage is this?
What type of camouflage is this?
What type of camouflage is this?
What type of camouflage is this?
What type of camouflage is this?
What type of camouflage is this?
What type of camouflage is this?
Why have animals developed camouflage?
It helps the species to stay protected or hide and survive for longer.
Name three animals that are good at camouflage.
Owls, butterflies, octopus, etc.
Which language does the word "camouflage" come from?