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Bright ideas 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the beach activity
Have a picnic
Name the beach activity
Buy an ice cream
Name the beach activity
Make a sandcastle
Name the beach activity
Explore a rock pool
Name the beach activity
Take photos
Name the beach activity
Play frisbee
Name the beach activity
Go for a walk
Name the beach activity
Fly a kite
Name the beach activity
Collect shells
Name the beach activity
Play volleyball
Does jade want to explore a rock pool?
Yes, he does.
Does john want to make a sandcastle?
No, he doesn't.
Does mason want to play frisbee?
Yes, he does.
Who is older?
The grandma is older than the baby.
Who is younger?
The boy is younger than the grandma.
Which is smaller?
The orange is smaller than the watermelon
Which is worse?
...... is worse than .......
Which is better?
...... is better than ........
Who is taller?
The giraffe is taller than the goat.
Who is faster?
The rabbit is faster then the tortoise.
Who is bigger?
The elephant is bigger than the mouse.
Which fish is lighter? Fish 1 or fish 2
Fish 2 is lighter than fish 1.
Which fish is slower? Fish 1 or Fish 2
Fish 1 is slower than fish 2.
Which fish is darker? Fish 1 or Fish 2
Fish 1 is darker than fish 2.
Who is shorter?
The boy is shorter than the girl.