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Family & Friends 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is crocodile doing?
It`s eating.
Is the flaming sleeping?
Yes, it is.
What are these animals doing?
The kangaroos are jumping.
What is this animal doing?
The monkey is climbing.
What is this animal doing?
The zebra is walking.
What`s the penguin doing?
It`s jumping / flying
How is this place?
It`s ugly.
How is this place?
It`s beautiful.
The opposite of dangerous.
How are these animals?
They are dangerous.
How is this beach?
It`s clean.
How is the beach?
It`s polluted
What is she doing?
She is waterskiing.
What are they doing?
They are snorkeling.
What is she doing?
She is windsurfing.
What activity is this?
It`s kayaking.
What activity is this?
It`s surfing.
What is he doing?
He is diving.
What activity is this?
It`s sailing.
What activity is this?
It`s swimming.
Susan: I don[t like playing chess.
Peter: _____ __ I. I like playing volleyball.
Anna: I love playing footbal.
Matt: I don´t. I _______playing basketball.
What are these?
These are shells.
What are these?
These are badges.
What are these?
These are postcards.
What is this?
It´s a comic.
What are these?
These are posters.
What are these?
They are stickers.
What action is this?
Turn off
What action is this?
Turn on
What´s this?
It´s a camera.
Do you like my new __________?
MP3 player
What´s this?
It´s a DVD player
Mum, ______ we _______ TV? Yes, you can.
Can we watch TV?
What is this?
It´s a computer.
________ they ______ visiting family?
Do they like visiting family?
He _________ _____________the piano.
likes playing
She ______________ painting.
Does she like ____________?
They like ___________.
Susan ________ playing the guitar.
What is this?
It´s a cube
What are these?
This are stones.
What is this?
It´s a rope.
What is this?
It´s a bike.
What is this?
It´s a kite.
What is this?
This is space.
What are these?
These are faces.
_________ she like playing basketball?
I _________ ______________ taking photos.
don´t like
__________ they like playing basketball?
He ________ _____________ fishing. (NEGATIVE)
doesn´t like
We like _________ ____________.
playing chess
They like ________ ______________.
doing gymnastics
He _______ __________ skateboarding. (NEGATIVE)
doesn´t like
I like ___________.
Which season is this?
It´s summer.
Which season is this?
It´s winter.
Which season is this?
It´s autumn
Which season is this?
It´s spring.
Which action is this?
To play
Which action is this?
To drink
What is this?
It´s a snake.
What is this?
It´s a spoon.
Which action is this?
To draw
What is this?
It´s a crayon.
Where are they from?
They are from Brazil.
Where is she from?
She´s from the USA.
Where is he from?
He is from Australia.
Where are you from?
I´m from Thailand.
Where are we from?
We´re from Spain.
Where are they from?
They are from Russia.
Where is she from?
She´s from the UK
Where is he from?
He´s from Egypt.