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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The mosque is in the right the car bark.
on the right of ... park
Tow ,  Twelve ,  Twinty
Two ... Twenty
I has a dank account.
have ... bank
We drink Arabic coofee.
do you like doogs or cats.
Do ... dogs ... (?)
Good naight.
the Hotel isn't near to the super market
The hotel ...  to (x) supermarket
Their is no car bark in our tawn.
There ...park ... town
The sqware is ugly.
The shcool has tow gates
school ... two... (.)
There lot's of shopes.
There're / There are ... lots ... shops
A lot of Dog's park in the streit.
dogs ... bark ... street
There's lot's of shops here.
There're / There are ... lots
There's no trein stchen in the tawn.
train station ... town
Last year,  I went on Holy Day to Abha.
There's no school this weak bekus we are on holiday.
week ... because
The skool is klosed 2day.
school ... closed ... today
The houes has big garden.
house ... (a) big
The super Market is close to the bank.
The hotel is't near the supermarket.
Dogs burk at night, they're very noizy.
bark ... noisy
We leave in Makka street
live ... (.)
We love in Makka streit.
live ... street
Thers no computer in the classroom.
There is / There's
The bost offeec is on the lift of the coffee.
post office ... left ... cafe'