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Solutions Pre-Intermediate (Oral Exam)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Past Perfect or Past Simple: When I ________(open) the curtains in the morning, I found that it had snowed during the night.
Past Perfect or Past Simple: ______(he / live) in Central before he moved to Wanchai?
Had he lived
Past Perfect or Past Simple: I _______ (be) very tired because I had studied too much.
Past Perfect or Past Simple: After Fred had spent his holiday in Italy, he_______ (want) to learn Italian.
Past Perfect or Past Simple: After I _____ (read) the entire series of Harry Potter, I watched the movies.
had read
Past Perfect or Past Simple: After Columbus had discovered America, he ________ (return) to Spain.
Past Perfect or Past Simple: The flat was a mess because John _______(have) a party.
had had
Past Perfect or Past Simple: Before they _________ (start) the party, they had invited some friends.
Past Perfect or Past Simple: After the writer _________ (publish) his third book, he won a writing award.
had published
Past Perfect or Past Simple: At school, Jim quickly copied the homework that he ________(not do).
had not done
Present Perfect: Have you ever been to Paris?
Present Perfect: Have you ever eaten caviar?
Present Perfect: Have you ever seen a ghost?
Present Perfect: Have you ever slept in a tent?
Present Perfect: Have you ever broken a bone?
Present Perfect: Have you ever met a celebrity?
Present Perfect: Have you ever cheated on an exam?
Present Perfect: Have you ever tried any extreme sports?
Present Perfect: Have you ever sung in public?
Present Perfect: Have you ever been on TV?
CORRECT (Present Perfect): He’s wrote me a postcard from London.
He’s written me a postcard from London.
CORRECT (Present Perfect): We have live here for 20 years.
We have lived here for 20 years.
CORRECT (Present Perfect): My colleague is just won the lottery.
My colleague has just won the lottery.
CORRECT (Present Perfect): Has you ever been to Spain?
Have you ever been to Spain?
CORRECT (Present Perfect): I am already visited India.
I have already visited India.
CORRECT (Present Perfect): Have you spoke to her lately?
Have you spoken to her lately?
CORRECT (Present Perfect): Did you done your homework yet?
Have you done your homework yet?
CORRECT (Present Perfect): I think I’ve see this movie.
I think I’ve seen this movie.
CORRECT (Present Perfect): Have I meet you before?
Have I met you before?
If you had only one month to live, what would you do?
If i had one month to live, I would.......
If you were super rich and never had to work, what would you do with your free time?
If i was super super rich, I would
If your house was on fire, what items would you save and why?
If my house was on fire, i would save....... because........
If you could have any job, what would you choose? Why?
If i could have any job, I would choose..... because.....
If you could meet one person from History, who would you choose to meet? Why?
If i could meet one person from history, It would be...... because......
What would you do if you could be invisible for one day?
If i could be invisible for one day, I would....
What would you do if you were the leader of your country?
If I was the leader of my country, I would....
What would you do if an alien spaceship landed in your garden?
If an alien spaceship landed in my garden, I would....
What would you do if you woke up one morning being a robot?
If I woke up one morning being a robot, I would....
If you had a time machine, what would you do?
If I had a time machine, I would.....
This is the place where you buy food to eat at home.
This is the place where you can buy or rent houses and apartments.
Estate Agent's
This is the place where you can buy fruits and vegetables.
This is the place where you take your clothes to wash.
This is the place where you buy magazines and newspapers.
This is the place where you can buy earrings and a necklace.
This is the place where you can buy new sunglasses
This is the place where you can buy medicine.
This is the place where you can buy and donate articles for charity.
Charity Shop
This is the place where you can buy cheese and ham.
This is the place where you can buy meat and chicken.
This is the place where you keep your money.
This is the place where you can buy bread and pastries.