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B1 | Present Simple/Continuous (Food)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do everyone need to eat so much sugar ? It’s really unhealthy .
Why does everyone need to eat so much sugar ? It’s really unhealthy .
He don’t into cooking . His mom still cooks for him .
He isn’t into cooking . His mom still cooks for him .
I totally agree that American cuisine changes . Chefs introduce new dishes every day .
I totally agree that American cuisine is changing . Chefs introduce new dishes every day .
They’re always adding too much pepper to their dishes . I can’t eat it . It’s far too spicy .
They always add too much pepper to their dishes . I can’t eat it . It’s far too spicy .
Wow! What a beautiful cake . He work really hard to produce such masterpieces .
Wow! What a beautiful cake . He works really hard to produce such masterpieces .
Does he interested in scuba diving ? I’d like to offer him a course.
Is he interested in scuba diving ? I’d like to offer him a course.
I’m on a gourmet tour in Vienna . I taste new dishes . It’s so exciting.
I’m on a gourmet tour in Vienna . I am tasting new dishes . It’s so exciting.
Why he eats sour cream with his steak ? I don’t think it’s tasty .
Why does he eat sour cream with his steak ? I don’t think it’s tasty .