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A1.2 | Grammar: Comparatives and Superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the smallest country in Europe?
What is the biggest city in the world?
What is the biggest city in the USA?
New York
What is the heaviest animal on the planet?
Who is the tallest animal on Earth?
What is the most popular book in the world?
Don Quijote
What is most expensive car brand in the world?
What is the tallest building in the world?
Burj Khalifa, Dubai
Who is the fastest animal on the planet?
What is hotter: the Earth or the Moon?
The Moon is hotter than the Eath (The average (середня) temperature on the Moon is 100 C / the average temperature on the Earth is 14 C.
What is more popular: tea or coffee?
Tea is more popular than coffee (People drink 3,5 billions cups of tea / 2 billion cups of coffee every day
What is bigger: China or Canada?
Canada is bigger than China (China is 3,700,000 square miles / Canada is 3,800,000 square miles)
What is higher: Mount Everest or Mount Hoverla?
Mount Everest is higher than Mount Hoverla (Mount Hoverla is 2,061 metres / Mount Everest is 8,849)
What is shorter: the English or the Ukrainian alphabet?
The English alphabet is shorter than the Ukrainian alphabet (The English alphabet - 26 letters / the Ukrainian alphabet - 33 letters)
What is older: Oxford University or Cambridge University?
Oxford University is older than Cambridge University (Oxford University was found (заснований) in 1167 / Cambridge University was founded in 1210)
What is longer: the Amazon River or the Nile?
the Nile is longer than the Amazon River (the Amazon River - 4000 miles / the Nile - 4130 miles)
What is healthier: Pepsi or Sprite?
Sprite is healthier: than Pepsi (Pepsi - 170 calories per 100 ml / Sprite - 140 calories per 100 ml)
What is bigger: the USA or the UK?
The USA is bigger than the UK (the USA - 9.83 million square kilometers / the UK - 244,820 square kilometers)