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Phrasal Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I try to _______ my friends when they are having a bad day.
cheer up
Come on! _________ we need to finish our homework!
hurry up!
Is disrespectful to ________ your new toys to other kids.
show off
Welcome to my new house! __________.
Come in!
Jaguars will ______ if the destroy the rain forest.
die out
My sister ______ with her boyfriend last week.
broke up
My car ________ on the way to Merida 
broke down
I have to _____ my bike
fix up
I need to ________ in the hotel before swimming at the pool.
check in
I always ________ my homework before present it to the teacher
go over
Kevin needs to ______ with his activities after Christmas.
keep up
Water will ______- is we don't take care of it.
run out
When I take a shower I have to ________ my clothes
take off
Melissa prefers to ________ in her living room and not in a gym.
work out
Would you like to ________ with me this Sunday?
eat out
Lucy ________ on the train every morning to visit her son.
gets on
I am going to sleep...Can you _______ the lights, please?
turn off
It's very dark! Can you ________ the lights, please?
turn on
At the end of the party you have to _________ the chairs and tables.
give back
My sister is planning a ________ next Sunday.
cook out
In January you have __________ the christmas decoration.
the down
I always ________ decorations when it's my birthday.
put up
Pizza Hut can _________ my pizza to my house.
drop off
I prefer to ________ my food at the restaurant.
pick up