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5th There + to be

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many ? Are there any?
There are - There is...
How many swimmers are there?
There aren't any swimmers.
How many tennis players are there?
There's one/a tennis player.
Are there any grapes?
There aren't any grapes.
Are there any lemons?
There's one/ a lemon.
Are there any bananas?
There are two bananas.
How many baby birds are there?
There are three baby birds.
Is there a bird?
There are five birds.
Is there a dog?
There isn't a dog.
How many cats are there?
There aren't any cats. / There are no cats.
Are there any ducks?
No, there aren't.
How many flowers are there?
There are five flowers.
How many children are there?
There are eight children.
Are there any swimming pools?
No, there aren't. / There aren't any swimming pools.
How many balls are there?
There are four balls.
Are there any people?
Yes, there are. / There are four people.
Are there any sheep?
Yes, there is. / There's one sheep.
Are there any cats?
Yes, there are. / There are six cats. / Yes, there are many cats.
How many restaurants are there?
There are four restaurants.
How many sharks are there?
There aren't any sharks. / There are no sharks.
Are there any boys?
Yes, there are. / There are two boys.
Are there any servers/waiters?
Yes, there is. /There is one server / waiter.
Are there any people?
No, there aren't. / There aren't any people.
Are there any ducks?
There are some ducks. / There are four ducks.
Are there any pigs?
There is one pig.