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Rephrase Modal Verbs

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's not essential that my father helps me with the HW. My father...
My father doesn't have to help me with the HW.
Louise really wants to have a dog. What's your advice?
She should... (promise to take care of it).
Ryan has had lots of bad grades. What's your advice?
He should... (study harder).
What does this sign mean?
You must turn left.
What does this sign mean?
You must/have to stop.
What does this sign mean?
You mustn't park here.
What does this sign mean?
You mustn't use your cellphone.
What's does this sign mean?
You mustn't swim here.
It's not recommended that people spend too much time online. People...
People shouldn't spend too much time online.
It's good for people to have a balanced diet. People...
People should have a balanced diet.
It's essential that you brush your teeth before going to bed. You...
You must/have to brush your teeth before going to bed.
It would be good for him to see a doctor. He...
He should see a doctor.
It's not necessary that Mike waits for me. Mike...
Mike doesn't have to wait for me.
It's not necessary to take water bottles to school. Students...
Students don't have to take water bottles to school.
It's not good for her to eat so much fast food. She...
She shouldn't eat so much fast food.
It is essential that we pay attention to the HW correction. We...
We have to/must to pay attention to the HW correction.
It's a good idea to take an umbrella with you. You...
You should take an umbrella with you.
It's forbidden to play loud music after 10 p.m. You...
You mustn't play loud music after 10 p.m.
People under 18 are not allowed to get a driver's license. People under 18...
People under 18 mustn't get a driver's license.
It is necessary to wear uniform at this school. We...
We must/have to wear uniform at this school.
It is good for us to practise more exercise. We...
We should practise more exercise.