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[ECHS] Literacy Time - Science Unusual Jobs

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How many unusual jobs are there in the book?
As a cave diver candidate, how many dives should you have performed before applying for the job?
Which is the correct special skillset of a cave diver?
Swim 18 metres with a single breath.
Dive 300 metres with a single breath.
Get dying with a single breath.
Reach the bottom of an ocean with a single breath.
Underwater caves are also known as ...
blue holes
What are the cave divers looking for inside underwater caves?
(Ancient) artifacts
Why can't artifacts such as, potteries be brought to the surface?
It can be damaged/It can break when exposed to air.
Which is the correct special skillset of a Hollywood Animal Trainer?
Be patient and understand animal's body language.
Be patient and know what animals eat.
Keep calm and be eaten.
Know which animal body parts to stroke.
How much experience should a Hollywood Animal trainer have before applying to be one?
300 hours of experience.
300 days of experience.
300 weeks of experience.
300 years of experience.
How much can a Hollywood Animal trainer earn in a year?
$20,000 - $50,000
What needs to be established between a Hollywood Animal trainer and his/her animal?
Which field should someone have mastered to be a Hollywood Animal trainer?
Which unusual job will train you in case you don't have any experience before?
Adventure guide
Cave diver
Hollywood animal trainer
How much can an adventure guide earn in a year?
$24,000 - $36,000
$20,000 - $40,000
$100,000 - $200,000
$2,000 - $3,000
What are nature adventure guides also called?
What activity must adventure guides prevent/stop when doing their job?
Illegal huntings
Why is it important for an adventure guide to do research?
To make sure their tours are safe and fun.
How much can a food taster earn in a year?
Why did people in the past have food tasters?
To check if the food is poisoned.
What degree should you better have to be an excellent food taster?
Food science
Food and Beverage
What kind of food is tested by a food taster?
Both kinds.
Tasty ones only.
Less tasty ones only.
Neither kinds.
How much can a professional sleeper earn in a study?
What 2 pieces of information do scientist need to understand from studying a professional sleeper?
Why people dream and sleep disorder.
Which IS NOT a sleep disorder?
Sleep call
Sleep apnea
Why do people with a sleep disorder want to join the sleep research?
To find out why it happens.
To earn some cash.
To spend some time off.
To write a research paper about it.
What degree should you better have to be a human lie detector?
Criminal Justice
Criminal Just Ice
Crime Scenes
How much can a human lie detector earn yearly?
Who does a police detective handle in a crime case?
A suspect
A judge
Another detective
An evidence
Which IS NOT a scientific behavior of someone lying?
Jumping wildly.
Intensified pulses
Howw do storm chasers earn money from their job?
By selling photos and datas.
By selling storms.
Getting paid by the local citizens.
Getting paid by the government.
When do storm chasers start taking action?
Before the storms.
After the storms.
During the storms.
When there are no storms.
Mention 3 equipment used by storm chasers!
Tornado probes, weather balloons, special vehicles, and radar
How much can a laughter therapist earn yearly?
What does a laughter produce that makes a person feels better?
Endorphins and serotonin
What is the main goal of a laughter therapist?
Make a patient less anxious.
Cure a patient from a disease.
Take a patient's life out.
Make a patient laugh at their choices in life.
Which job at the book earns the most money yearly?
Storm chaser
Cave diver
Which field should someone have mastered to be a volcanologist?
Knowing the danger, why do volcanologists still risk their lives for the job?
They believe they can minimize the damage and save lives.
They believe the money is very appealing.
They have nothing to do at home.
They believe volcanoes can give them good luck.
Which job does not require any prior experience?
Cave diver
Food taster
Which gender mostly chooses to be a bearder?
Both of them
None of them
How long does it take for a bearder to grow their beard?
Which vitamin IS NOT consumed by a bearder?
Why is it important to have healthy skin cells for a bearder?
To make their hair grow strong and fast.