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Future tense

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My friend is sad.
My friend will be sad. My friend is going to be sad.
They are happy.
They will be happy. They are going to be happy.
We write in the journal.
We will write in the journal. We are going to write in the journal.
I cook dinner.
I will cook dinner. I am going to cook dinner.
I wash my hands.
I will wash my hands. I am going to wash my hands.
I eat pizza.
I will eat. I am going to eat.
You drink water.
You will drink water. You are going to drink water.
He rides a bike.
He will ride a bike. He is going to ride a bike.
She plays football.
She will play football. She is going to play football.
The dog barks.
The dog will bark. The dog is going to bark.
The cat sleeps.
The cat will sleep. The cat is going to sleep.
We drive the car.
We will drive the car. We are going to drive the car.
They write in their journals.
They will write in their journals. They are going to write in their journals.
The students listen in class.
The students will listen in class. The students are going to listen in class.
The children play outside.
The children will play outside. The children are going to play outside.
I climb the mountain.
I will climb the mountain. I am going to climb the mountain.
You cry in class.
You will cry in class. You are going to cry in class.
He cut the paper.
He will cut the paper. He is going to cut the paper.
My mom cooks dinner.
My mom will cook dinner. My mom is going to cook dinner.
Greg teaches the class.
Greg will teach the class. Greg is going to teach the class.
Teacher Cindy helps me.
Teacher Cindy will help me. Teacher Cindy is going to help me.
My friends and I run.
My friends and I will run. My friends and I are going to run.
Your grandma draws a picture.
Your grandma will draw a picture. Your grandma is going to draw a picture.
The ladybug flies.
The ladybug will fly. The ladybug is going to fly.
The students sit down.
The students will sit down. The students are going to sit down.