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Conditionals (b2)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the mistakes: If I would be you, I work harder
If I were you, I would work harder
Correct the mistake: If Joel had been here on time, he would had played the game
If Joel had been here on time, he would have played the game
Rephrase: Students usually feel tired if they don't sleep well. Unless_________
Unless students sleep well, they usually feel tired.
Rephrase: Students will fail the test if they don't study the phrasal verbs. Unless___________
Unless students study the phrasal verbs, they will fail the test.
Rephrase: Miles was angry because Jared interrupted him. If____________________________
If Jared hadn't interrupted Miles, he wouldn't have been angry
Rephrase: Beti was really happy because she won the swimming competition. If Beti ________________________
If Beti hadn't won the swimming competition, she wouldn't have been happy
Rephrase: Unless there is a lot of snow, Juan won't go skiing. If ______________
If there is a lot of snow, Juan will go skiing / If there isn't a lot of snow, Juan won't go skiing
I am going to wait five minutes _________ Daniel arrives late
In case
Water boils ______ you heat it over 100º
Miles will give every student a kiss _______ everyone passes the exam
Choose the correct connector: Lidya is going to the homework today ______ she doesn't have time tomorrow
In case
Rephrase: If you invite Andrea to the party, she will come. Unless____________
Unless you invite Andrea to the party, she won't come
Rephrase: Beti doesn't like the teacher because he doesn't play games. If the teacher...
If the teacher played games, Beti would like him
Rephrase: Adri didn't do the homework at the weekend so he had to do it this morning. --> If Adri  ________________
If Adri  had done the homework at the weekend, he wouldn't have had to do it this morning.
Rephrase: She doesn't like him because he's not rich enough. If he __________
If he was rich enough, she would like him
Rephrase: I wish I had studied more. I didn't pass the exam. --> If I ...
If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.