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FCE - Set Phrase Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I thought that lawyers earned a good salary. – Rewrite with UNDER – I was … that lawyers earned a good salary.
under the impression
When you are hiking long distances, remember that you have to get back too. – Rewrite with MIND – When you are hiking long distances, … that you have to get back too.
bear/keep in mind
Drivers need to consider how weather can affect conditions on the road. – Rewrite with ACCOUNT – Drivers need to … can affect conditions on the road.
take into account how weather
Everything on the menu looks so good – I can’t decide! – Rewrite with MIND – Everything on the menu looks so good. I can’t … !
make up my mind
I tried everything to get him to agree, but it was no …
He tried as hard as he could, but he still didn’t pass his driving test. – Rewrite with BEST – He failed his driving test even though he …
did/tried his best
Let’s enjoy this nice weather as much as possible and have a barbecue! – Rewrite with ADVANTAGE – Let’s … this nice weather and have a barbecue!
take advantage of
Missing word: Our health is something that it’s easy to take ___ granted.
They didn’t break the window on purpose. – Rewrite with BY – The window …
was broken by accident
Cycling is far from the only way to get around the city. – Rewrite with MEANS – Cycling is … the only way to get around the city.
by no means
It’s pointless buying expensive equipment if you’re not going to use it. – Rewrite with WORTH – Expensive equipment is only … if you’re going to use it.
worth it / worth the trouble
Missing word: I should have studied more at the weekend, but I __ not be bothered.
I used to want to study accounting, but now I don’t. – Rewrite with MIND – I have … studying accounting.
changed my mind about
Missing word: I ran into her in the supermarket completely __ chance.
You need to try hard if you want to improve. – Rewrite with MAKE – You need to … if you want to improve.
make an effort
I was surprised how much the city had changed. – Rewrite with TOOK – The way the city had changed really …
took me by surprise
Tourists to the area are encouraged, as ___ as they are respectful of the local wildlife.
Missing word: I’ll cook, __ long as you clean up!
I don’t really want to go out tonight. – Rewrite with FEEL – I … out tonight.
don’t feel like going
The kids are old enough to make their own breakfast in the mornings. – Rewrite with BY – The kids can make breakfast … in the mornings.
by themselves
You should all be able to do this exercise without help. – Rewrite with ON – You should all be able to do this exercise …
on your own
Missing word: What does your father ___ for a living?
It’s so hard to find paid work as an actor. – Rewrite with LIVING – It’s so hard to … as an actor.
make a living
Missing word: Before we leave, ___ sure you have your passport!
He put a lot of effort into writing that book. – Rewrite with DEAL – A … was put into writing that book.
great/good deal of effort
She looks much younger since she cut her hair. – Rewrite with DEAL – That haircut makes her look …
a good/great deal younger.
No ___ how many times I read this paragraph, I just can’t understand it!
I think I’m going to try surfing this summer. –Rewrite with GIVE – This summer, I think I’ll …
give surfing a try / give surfing a go