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Comparative & Superlative Adjective
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What comes after length adjectives?
What comes before opinion adjectives?
articles or quantifiers
Adjective 'curly' is categorized as .....
Adjective 'enormous' is categorized as .....
Arrange these adjectives: orange - picture - amazing - sunset
amazing orange sunset picture
Arrange these adjectives: castle - huge - white - a
a huge white castle
Arrange these adjectives: woman - tall - beautiful - middle-aged
beautiful tall middle-aged woman
Arrange these adjectives: new - jacket - black - expensive
expensive new black jacket
Arrange these adjectives: young - the - man - handsome
the handsome young man
Arrange these adjectives: yellow - three - corns - sweet
three yellow sweet corns
Arrange these adjectives: unique - monkey - a - brown
a unique brown monkey
Arrange these adjectives: dress - a - red - long
a long red dress
Choose the correct form of the superlative: Where's the (nearest / nearer) supermarket?
Choose the correct form of the superlative: I think salad is the most (healthyiest / healthiest) food for vegetarians.
Choose the correct form of the comparative: We are more (stressed / stresseder) than our grandparents were.
Choose the correct form of the comparative: Traffic in cities is (bad / worse) than it was.
the / Who / person / most / your / is / hardworking / family / ?
Who is the most hardworking person in your family?
other / the / The / is / than / slower / man / runners.
The man is slower than the other runners.
Ms. Tina / teacher / I / funniest / is / the / know.
Ms. Tina is the funniest teacher I know.
is / most / country / the / China / crowded / the / in / world.
China is the most crowded country in the world.
Michelle is ________ than Fred.
Claire's hair is ________ than Michelle.
Fred is ________ in group.
the oldest
William is ________ among others.
the tallest
The superlative form of 'amazing' is ...
the most amazing
The superlative form of 'good' is ...
the best
The comparative form of 'bad' is ...
The comparative form of 'handsome' is ...