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Art / Design Quiz

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which colour scheme involves using colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel?
Complementary color scheme.
Name the artist, the painting or the movement.
The weeping woman/ Cubism/ Picasso
Name the artist, the painting or the movement.
A Sunday Afternoon, Georges Seurat, Post-impressionism
Name the artist, the painting or the movement.
Composition 2 in red, blue and yellow/ Piet Mondrian/ neo-plasticism or abstract art
Which NBA team uses this logo?
Name this logo
What snack company uses this logo?
What can be another word to describe the color blue?
Sky blue, Cobalt, Azure, Indigo, Sapphire, Cerulean, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Navy
'Falu' is an actual color name. What is it most similar to?
The Sun Voyager, a sculpture by Jon Gunnar Arnason, is located in which country?
What is this bridge in downtown Boston called?
Zakim Bridge
What's another name to describe this brown-ish orange red color?
Terra cotta
Who created these famous posters?
Shepard Fairey
'Skobeloff' is a real color name. What is the color most similar to?
Teal (45.5% of blue and 45.5% green)
Who made this famous Japanese woodcut print?
What's the name of this painting by Johannes Vermeer?
Girl with a Pearl Earring
What company uses this logo?
Korean Air
Who's the famous artist who made her signature pumpkin sculptures?
Yayoi Kusama
Who is the Japanese contemporary artist well-known for his signature flowers?
Takashi Murakami
Which street artist made this stencil art?
Where is this metal sculpture that doubles up as an artwork and a ventilation shaft for an underground carpark located?
Where is the Louvre located?
Yes or No: Was Leonardo da Vinci a vegetarian?
Yes, he was
Random design fact: What are the metal studs on your jeans called?
This public sculpture's nickname is 'The Bean,' but what is it actually called?
Cloud Gate
What city is this public art located in?
What is the name of this artwork by Maurizio Cattelan? (It sold for $120,000)
What does this logo resemble?