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5th Grade Life Science Week 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The cells in heart tissue...
are different than liver tissue cells.
are the same as liver tissue cells.
are the same shape and size found in bleeding heart flowers.
are the same as skin cells.
Francisco Redi proved that...
life does not appear out of nowhere.
fortnite can be hacked.
maggots are part of red meat.
maggots appear naturally in chicken.
The nucleus of a cell...
is where the cell's programming is found.
is the shape of a honeycomb.
has no purpose in life.
can be used to create atomic weapons.
Louis Pasteur proved that spontaneous generation was...
a false idea
was true
was true, but only sometimes
very rare
Viruses attack cells of living things and inject their instructions (DNA) into cells and change them. (True or False)
Viruses are not considered to be living organisms. (True or False)
Our whole body is made up of...
tiny living cells
White blood cells are always on the lookout for....
The nucleus in plant and animal cells holds the cell's...
The vacuole in a plant cell is the cell's...
Storage space
Plant cells are different from animal cells. (True or False)
Organelles are the cells various inner parts. (True or False)
Animal cells have a flexible outer wall or skin called...
A cell membrane
The cytoplasm
The organelles
The DNA skin
When a cell splits or divides the program controlling it is called...
Every animal cell has a nucleus. (True or False)
Penicillin is made from bacteria. (True or False)
False (It is made from mold or fungi.
When something dies germs go to work and help decompose the body. (True or False)
Not all germs are bad. (True or False)
Bacteria are living creatures that have..
Only 1 cell
Only 2 cells
Only 4 cells
Only 6 cells
What did Anto van Leeuwenhoek discover?
Bacteria and blood cells
What was spontaneous generation?
That life could come from non-life
Cells discovered in cork
What they used to call bacteria
What they used to call germs
Who was the father of microbiology?
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Mr. Glazier
Francisco Redi
Robet Hooke