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Combining Basic Sentences

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My mom makes me breakfast. My mom makes me dinner.
My mom makes me breakfast and dinner.
Superheroes save people. Superheroes fight villains.
Superheroes save people and fight villains.
Whales live in the ocean. Whales breathe air.
Whales live in the ocean and breathe air.
I hate insects. I hate snakes.
I hate insects and snakes.
Jake likes cars. Charlie likes cars.
Jake and Charlie like cars.
Annie watches movies on Sundays. Annie does her homework on Sundays.
Annie watches movies and does her homework on Sundays.
Dave is going to the bank. Sandra is going to the bank.
Dave and Sandra are going to the bank.
Freddy swims on Mondays. Freddy swims on Thursdays.
Freddy swims on Mondays and Thursdays.
Allison hates to run. Becky hates to run.
Allison and Becky hate to run.
George likes cats. George likes dogs.
George likes cats and dogs.
Lily has to finish her homework. Lily has to finish her English project.
Lily has to finish her homework and English project.
The teachers were proud. The students were proud.
The teachers and students were proud.
Paul entered the pitching contest. Kristie entered the pitching contest. Travis entered the pitching contest
Paul, Kristie and Travis entered the pitching contest.
Miranda performed in the tumbling show. Angela performed in the tumbling show..
Miranda and Angela performed in the tumbling show.
Cool weather made the day a success. Good teamwork made the day a success.
Cool weather and good teamwork made the day a success.
Our students enjoyed the Sports Fair. Their families enjoyed the Sports Fair.
Our students and their families enjoyed the Sports Fair.
They visited the Grand Canyon. They visited the History Museum.
They visited the Grand Canyon and the History Museum.
Danna likes ice cream. She likes cake.
Dana likes ice cream and cake.
We like to watch basketball. We like to watch soccer.
We like to watch basketball and soccer.
Polar bears swim fast. Polar bears catch fish.
Polar bears swim fast and catch fish.
My teacher is very smart. My teacher is very funny.
My teacher is very smart and funny.
Oscar finished the book. Olivia finished the book.
Oscar and Olivia finished the book.
Dany went up the hill. Bobby went up the hill.
Dany and Bobby went up the hill.
Hawks are birds. Eagles are birds.
Hawks and eagles are birds.
Gavin likes to play basketball. Jamie likes to play basketball.
Gavin and Jamie like to play basketball.