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Research and Writing

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The main points for your side of the issue will go in the body paragraphs of your paper. Where will the points for the other side go?
Can you pull your research from a blog?
No- this is an unreliable source
Can all of your research come from one source?
No, you will need at least 2.
Can you use your own ideas or personal experience in your paper to support your claim?
No. You are not an expert in the field even if you know a lot about your topic. You still need to find a reliable source to back up what you know.
How many main supporting points do you need to back up your claim?
You need 3 separate supporting reasons to support your claim. These will be your topic sentences
Is this a good claim for your paper? Yes or no and explain. I hope you understand by the end of this paper that capital punishment is wrong and needs to stop happening.
No. The topic is good and writer takes a stance but the voice is informal- "I hope you..."
Is this a good claim for a paper? Yes or no and explain. It is wrong to invade personal privacy, therefore there should be more laws to stop cybercrimes.
Yes, there is a clear stance and it explains the topic.
Is this a good claim for a paper? Yes or no and explain. Red shoes are the best.
No, it isn't something that people would have strong opinions on.
True or False? A thesis and claim statement mean the same thing?
true- some teachers will say thesis and some will say claim
What is wrong with this claim statement? There are pros and cons to putting more restrictions on gun control.
You can not argue both sides in a claim. You need to pick 1 and stick to it.
What is wrong with this claim statement? Bullying in schools should be stopped immediately.
There is only one side to this argument. Nobody will support that bullying should continue.
What is wrong with this claim? Drinking and driving should be illegal.
It is already illegal. There is only one side.