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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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order the questions: do/their/on/they/visit/on/?/vacation/family
do they visit their family on vacation?
verb in simple past: mix.....
turn the sentence into a question: My mom reads a book in the park
does my mom read a book in the park?
person used in the present simple singular?
he, she, it
is the sentence correct: she doesnt goes to the gym
it is not correct
complete the sentence whit simple present: Carmen_____ (study) chinese online
Carmen studies chinese online
singular or plural? dont read
singular or plural? doesnt eat
organize the following: he/his/take/does/pets/walk/a/for/?
does he take his pets for a walk?
what is the correct sentence?  the cat play whits the orange balls _____  the cat plays whit the orange ball
the cat plays whit the orange ball
translate the sentence: ella no hace ejercicio
she does not exercise
reverse the sentence to a negative questions: He sings in a restaurant
does he sinng in a restaurant?
organizefit the following sentense in/afternoons/she/reads/the
she reads in the afternoons
Change to present simple (like) (get)
likes gets
order the questions ?/your/play/does/dad/guitar/the
does your dad play the guitar