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How and Why Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does a bird fly?
With its wings
How do you sweep the floor?
With a broom
How do you take a picture?
With a camera
How do you turn on the TV?
How do you get to school?
How old are you?
How do you turn on a light?
Light switch
How many puppies are there?
How do you unlock a door?
Use a key
When do you wear sunscreen?
When its sunny
When do you ride the bus?
When you go to school
When do you see sun?
When its daytime
When do you see stars?
When its night
When do you shovel snow?
When its winter time
When do you eat supper?
After school
When do you eat lunch?
Before recess/in the afternoon
When do you need a bandaid?
When you're hurt
When do you need an umbrella?
When its raining
When do you eat breakfast?
In the morning
Why do we brush our teeth?
To keep our teeth clean.
Why do we use a fridge?
To keep our food cold
Why do we use an umbrella?
To keep us dry in the rain.
Why do we wear shoes?
To protect our feet.
Why do you wear a watch?
To keep track of time
Why do we go to the hospital?
To help us when we get hurt
Why do we use a jacket?
To keep us warm
Why do we have firefighters?
To put out fires and educate on fire safety.
Why do you go to school?
To learn.
Why do you use sunscreen?
To protect your skin from the sun.
Why do you wear a seatbelt?
To protect you in the car.
Why do birds have wings?
So they can fly.
Why do we shower?
To get clean.