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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence: If............................I would have felt.....
if + past perfect
Complete the sentence: I ................never have .....................if I hadn´t met......
would + past participle
Complete: If I had got up an hour earlier today, I...............
I would have eaten my breakfast
Complete the sentence: If I´d known..................., I ....................never have..................
would + past participle
If we ________(win) the lottery, we ________(travel) the world.
won, would travel
I __________(marry) someone famous if I _______(be) a movie star. (2)
would marry/ were/was
Unless you ________(help) me, I _______(not pass) the test.
help, won´t pass
If I _________(not/go) to bed early, I _________(be) tired tomorrow
don´t go / I´ll
If you______(get) back late, I ______(be) angry.
get/ will be
If you _______ (mix) water and electricity, you _______(get) a shock.
It´s your own fault that you failed. If you ................( not play) computer games all night, you ..................( pass)
hadn´t played / would have passed
If I ...............(speak) French, I .....................(apply) to a French university. But unfortunately I don´t !
spoke/ would apply
Our day out has been a complete disaster. If I ...................(know) it was going to be so terrible, I ..............(stay) at home.
had known/ would have stayed
Don´t panic ! If we ...................(leave)now, we .....................( still get) there on time.
leave, will still get
I learnt a lot at university. but I .......................(not graduate ) if my parents...............................(not/help)
wouldn´t have graduated, hadn´t helped