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Order of Operations

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the difference between an expression and an equation?
An equation has an equal sign. *Both kinds of problems can be solved.
When a question asks you to "evaluate" the expression, what are you doing?
Evaluate means to solve or work the problem.
Evaluate the expression.
Evaluate the expression.
Evaluate the expression.
Write the numerical expression on your dry erase boards or scratch paper. You do not have to evaluate.
(721 - 214) ÷ 5
Without solving, compare the sizes of Sally's and Georgia's classrooms.
Georgia's classroom has 56 square feet LESS than Sally's classroom.
Which expression matches this problem: Kalyssa bought 7 pairs of socks for $2.85 a pair. She had a coupon for $2.25 off her total purchase.
Write the numerical expression on your dry erase board. You do not have to evaluate.
71 x 8 + 379 Parentheses are not necessary.
Evaluate the expression.
Evaluate the expression.
Evaluate the expression.
Write the expression on your dry erase board. You do not have to evaluate.
(13.2 + 0.9) ÷ 0.6
Evaluate the expression.
Write the expression on your dry erase board or scratch paper. You do not have to evaluate.
3 x (7.25 - 4.5) OR (7.25 - 4.5) x 3
Evaluate the expression.
Which expression is 16 times as large as 18,233 - 4,006?
Which expression shows the following: Divide 688 by 32, and then add 16.
Where should you place parentheses to make the equation true?
32 ÷ (8 x 2) = 2
Evaluate the expression.
Evaluate the expression.
Without solving, compare expressions A and B.
Expression A is 19 TIMES greater than Expression B. OR A = B x 19
Evaluate the expression.
Write the expression on your dry erase board or scratch paper. You do not have to evaluate.
(8 + 7) x 2 or 2 x (8 + 7)
Which expression has the value of 11?
Evaluate the expression.
Where should parentheses be placed to make the equation true?
(42 + 12) ÷ 6 = 9