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Multiple Meaning Words (Level 3-5)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "stoop".
Please STOOP down and pick up that trash. The package is on the front STOOP.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "squash".
I love butternut SQUASH! Don't SQUASH that tomato!
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "stable".
Please put the horse in the STABLE. You will fall if you are not STABLE.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "handle".
The door HANDLE broke. I can HANDLE this mess.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "log".
The tree LOG almost broke my window. Please keep a LOG of the foods you eat.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "mine".
We went to the gold MINE. This Valentine is MINE.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "mold".
There is MOLD on the bread. She poured the chocolate into the MOLD.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "light".
Please turn on the LIGHT. If your package is LIGHT, it will be cheaper to ship.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "pupil".
Each PUPIL will receive their own pencil. His PUPIL dilated in the sun.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "pound".
This box weighs one POUND. I can hear the hammer POUND the nail.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "racket".
Where is my tennis RACKET? I cannot focus with all this RACKET!
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "pool".
Can we go swim in your POOL? The POOL ball bounced off the table.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "range".
What's the volume RANGE on this speaker? Look at this beautiful mountain RANGE!
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "blue".
Where is my BLUE crayon? I am feeling very BLUE today.
Give TWO sentences showing TWO different meanings of "bill".
I must pay my electric BILL. I have one dollar BILL.