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FALSE FRIENDS - Spanish vs. English

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'That director is famous for MAKING horror movies.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I didn't REALISE that he liked me.What a surprise!'
darse cuenta
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'Goulash is a typical Hungarian SOUP. You should try it!'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I love your SOAP in the bathroom. It smells amazing!'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'The English COURSE I am doing, is fascinating!'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'The witch put a CURSE on her to be unhappy.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'He gave me so many COMPLIMENTS that I became red.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'Bring that FOLDER tomorrow, as it has all your documents in it.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'The CARPET in the living room needs to be hoovered.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'Dad, allow me to PRESENT my boyfriend to you.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I was INTRODUCED to the director yesterday.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I wrote a NOTE and put it on the fridge.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'My GRADE in English has always been a 10!'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'Jorge told me that making mistakes is not an EMBARRASSMENT.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'She was so happy to tell her family that she was PREGNANT.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'It is always a great deal when your friends APPROVE of your partner.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I was so happy when I finally PASSED the exam.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I didn't ATTEND the meeting, as I didn't have time.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'She is so NICE. Always greets me with a smile.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'She is a very SYMPATHETIC person - when I had family problems, she didn't bother me with her questions.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I INTEND to keep all my promises - that is not even a question.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I don't like to PRETEND to like someone. If I hate you, I hate you.'
fingir, aparentar
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'That FACTORY belongs to a German company.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I love the FABRIC of this dress. Is it silk?'
tejido, tela
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'The film was a great SUCCESS.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'The EXIT is on your right.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I believe people will start saying no, EVENTUALLY.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'They didn't finish the house before the deadline, so I had to SUE them. They broke the contract.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'If you don't stand up and DEMAND a change, he'll keep on doing it.'
pedir, exigir
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'The DRIVER of the Uber didn't know that my street was closed.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'The CONDUCTOR of the orchestra was Italian and phenomenal.'
director de orchestra
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I'm not ready to have this type of COMMITMENT, my love. Let's not get married just yet.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'My partner wanted to buy a huge house and I wanted a small one. So we made a COMPROMISE - we bought a middle-sized house.'
acuerdo mutuo
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'You're ignoring my WARNING, aren't you?'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'I took your ADVICE and I got myself engaged.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'This is CURRENTLY / AT PRESENT my favourite red car.'
What does the word in CAPITAL mean in Spanish? - 'Her eyes ACTUALLY were filled with tears.'
de hecho, realmente