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Can or Can't You?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you name 5 farm animals?
I can - I can´t
Can you name 5 things you can find in a kitchen?
I can - I can´t
Can you say two sports you can play inside?
I can - I can´t
Can you mention 2 places you can stay when you're on holiday?
I can - I can´t
Can you sing a lullaby?
I can - I can´t
Can you say 10 colors?
I can - I can´t
Can you name three countries in Africa?
I can - I can´t
Can you whistle?
I can - I can´t
Can you name 10 capital cities?
I can - I can´t
Can you snap your fingers?
I can - I can´t
Can you bark like a dog?
I can - I can´t
Can you say the alphabet backwards?
I can - I can´t
Can you spell the teacher's last name?
I can - I can´t
Can you say hello in 5 languages?
I can - I can't
Can you count backwards from 30?
I can - I can´t
Can you name three countries in South America?
Yes I can - No, I can´t