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Cause and Effect

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was a sunny and warm day so the family took a walk around the park.
What is the cause? What is the effect?
Effect: She got blisters on her feet.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: She was walking around all day in her new shoes.)
Cause: The child was jumping on the chair.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: The chair breaks.)
Effect: The kids made a mess in the house.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: there were mud in the backyard.)
Cause: It is raining outside.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: The street was flooded with water.)
The dog wasn't washed for over 3 months so it developed fleas.
What is the cause? What is the effect?
Vance worked hard and earned a B on his math test.
What is the cause? What is the effect?
The cake burned in the oven that was too hot.
What is the cause? What is the effect?
Daisy did extra chores around the house and earned enough money to buy the bike she wanted.
What is the cause? What is the effect?
We watered the tomato plant regularly, and it produced dozens of tomatoes.
What is the cause? What is the effect?
A heavy storm flooded the streets.
What is the cause? What is the effect?
Lightning struck the tree, and the tree started to burn.
What is the cause? What is the effect?
Effect: I ignore my sister.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: My sister said a rude comment.)
Effect: Dad picked up the baby.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: The baby was crying.)
Effect: Carla laughed out loud.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: Carla's friend told a funny joke.)
Effect: Josh won the spelling bee.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: Josh studied his words for a whole month.)
Effect: The lights went out.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: The storm blew the wires down.)
Effect: The family bought a new car.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: The family sold their old car.)
Effect: Jane fell down the stairs.
Cause: Any answer that makes sense (example: She tripped on a stair step.)
Cause: The neighbor's gate were open.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: Their dog ran out.)
Cause: Robby ran his bike tires over some nails.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: His bike tires popped.)
Cause: Jamie never brushes her teeth.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: She had 5 cavities.)
Cause: The boat had a leak.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: The boat eventually sank.)
Cause: Lucy's shoes weren't tied.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: Lucy tripped and fell.)
Cause: Parker went to sleep late.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: Parker was late to class.)
Cause: A car ran a red light.
Effect: Any answer that makes sense (example: The driver got a ticket.)