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comparative and superlative adjectives

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to form the superlative of long adjectives
the most
which two letters do we add to the end of short adjectives to form the comparative
to form the superlative of short adjectives
the + -est
Which word do we use before a long adjective to form the comparative?
Which word do we always use after a comparative adjective?
best and worst are...adjectives
Cristiano Ronaldo is (good) than Messi.
Watching basketball games is  (entertaining) activity for him
the most entertaining
Rock climbing is considered (exciting) than athletics
more exciting
the football field is (big) than the volleyball court
Their performance in the swimming competition was (bad) of the season
the worst
easier Yoga than is pilates
Yoga is easier than Pilates
Rugby is (dangerous) than football
more dangerous
more Basketball popular rock climbing than is
Basketball is more popular than rock climbing.
Usain Bolt is (fast) sprinter in the world
the fastest