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Plants & Animals - 3rd Grade

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What function would not be completed if the ovary was not present?
Seed would not be formed.
What would happen if a flower did not have a stamen?
There would not be pollen available to form a seed
What is the function of Pistil?
It carries pollen to the ovary.
Does all plants with seeds have flowers? True ir false?
How do plants benefit humans?
We get food, oxygen, medicines, wood, paper.
Why do animals need plants for living?
Because plants give them food, oxygen and shelter.
How does pollination process occur?
When pollen is transferred from the stamen to the pistil.
What conditions are necessary for germination to happen?
Water supply and appropriate temperature
Why is germination important?
Because a new plant is growing from the seed.
Which part of the life cycle of a plant do you see in the picture?
Germination of a seed
What is the function of the stem?
Transport water from roots to the rest of the plant. It is the support of a plant.
What is the function of leaves of a plant?
Absorb carbon dioxide from air and sunlight.
What is the function of roots in a plant?
Absorb water and minerals from soil.
What happen once the ovary has grown and covers the seeds completely?
The fruit is fully formed.
What happens to the flower as the ovary grows?
The flower falls off.
Where is the ovary located?
The ovary is located in the flower, which will become a fruit.
Where do seeds form when pollination takes place?
Inside the ovary.
What does the stamen do?
It is the male reproductive part of the flower that produces pollen.
Why are seeds so important?
A seed can create a new plant on its own.
How a plant whithout leaves (like a cactus) is able to absorb carbon dioxide and sunlight?
In plants like cactus that don't have leaves, the stem absorbs carbon dioxide and sunlight.
Why are leaves so important for a plant?
For photosynthesis and elimination of excess of water
How does photosynthesis benefit humans and animals?
Plants provide oxygen and food to humans and animals. They also clean the air when they absorb carbon dioxide.
In which part of the plant does photosynthesis occur?
What do all plants need to survive?
Water, sunlight, and air.
Is a fern a plant with flowers?
No, it isn´t