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Describing Words

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Tell me 2 things about a police officer
Drives a police car; has a badge
What does a police officer do?
Keeps us safe
What group does police officer belong to?
Job / Occupation
Tell me 2 things about a firefighter.
Drives a firetruck; wears a fireproof coat; wears a hardhat; works at a fire station
What group does firefighter belong to?
Job / Occupation
What does a firefighter do?
Puts out fires
What group does stove belong to?
Kitchen thing / appliance
What do we do with a stove?
Cook food
Tell me 2 things about a dog.
Has fur; has a big tongue; likes to run; plays fetch
What group does dog belong to?
What does a dog do?
What do we do with a banana?
Tell me 2 things about a banana.
Yellow; has a peel
Tell me 2 things about a football.
Shaped like an oval; brown with white stripes
What do we do with a football?
Throw and kick
Tell me 2 things about cookies.
Taste sweet; many different kinds / flavors
What do we do with cookies?
What group does football belong to?
Sports equipment / stuff; toys
What group do cookies belong to?
What group does banana belong to?
Gets hot, cook food on it, found in kitchen, has burners, has knobs, appliance
Has handle, bristles, cleans your teeth, put toothpaste on it, keep it in the bathroom
Has a screen, has a plug, uses a remote, watch shows/movies on it, electronics
Has legs, made of wood, in the kitchen, eat at it, work at it, furniture
Toy, found at park, found in backyard, push it, play on it
Liquid, hot, eat it with a spoon, has vegetables/noodles/etc., eat it in a bowl, food
Have a handle, has blades, sharp, use to cut, school supply
Food, has cheese, has pepperoni, is round, eat it, get from restaurant, delivery man brings it
Has black and white keys, has pedals, makes music, play it, instrument
Round, juicy, orange, eat it, fruit
Different colors, draw with them, have ink, school supplies, long
Has a stick, lick it, sticky, candy
ice cream
Cold, eat with spoon, eat from a bowl/cone, different flavors, keep in the freezer, sweet, dessert
french fries
put ketchup on them, eat with hamburgers, made from potatoes, yellow, salty, food
Made of metal/plastic, eat with it, has a handle, has prongs, utensil/silverware
Plant, pretty, water it, grows outside, smells good, different colors
Animal, pet it, barks, furry, likes to run, eats bones, puppy, says woof, is a pet
Pour drink into, find in a kitchen, made of plastic, metal, or glass, drinkware, holds liquids
Dessert, eat it, sweet, snack, found in the pantry, eat it with milk, has chocolate chips
Ride in, vehicle, has wheels, horn, seat belts, goes fast, has steering wheel
Use on your hair, fixes your hair, has a handle, has bristles, object
Animal, flies, chirps, has feathers, lives in a nest, has wings
Has blankets, pillows, sheets, and mattress, sleep on it, in your bedroom, where you go at night, where you go when you’re tired, furniture
Round, kick, roll, throw, catch, throw, toy, filled with air, bouncy