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Solar System
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Which planet is about 5 times farther from the Sun than Earth?
Which planet has a diameter that is about half the size of Earth's diameter?
Which planets have a greater mass than Earth?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Which planet is about 19 times further from the Sun than Earth?
Which planet has a radius similar to Venus?
Which planet has an orbital period about 12 times longer than Earth?
Which planet is 886.7 million miles away from the Sun?
What is this image showing us about the planets?
This model shows the distance comparison between the planets. The distance is to scale.
What is the limitation of this model?
This model shows the distance of the planets but not a comparison of the size of the planets.
What is the limitation of this model?
This model shows the size of the planets but not a comparison of the distance of the planets.
What is this image showing us about the planets?
This model shows us the size comparison of the different planets. The size of the planets is to scale.
Choose Inner Planets or Outer Planets: Which group of planets are composed mostly of gas?
Outer Planets
Choose Inner Planets or Outer Planets: Which group of planets are composed mostly of rock?
Inner Planets
Choose Inner Planets or Outer Planets: Which group of planets have a larger diameter?
Outer Planets
Choose Inner Planets or Outer Planets: Which group of planets have a smaller diameter?
Inner Planets
Why are the outer planets called the gas giants?
Gas because they are mostly made of gas. Giants because they have large diameters.
Choose Inner Planets or Outer Planets: Which group of planets are called the gas giants?
Outer Planets
Name the outer planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Name the inner planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars