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Capitalization 5th Grade Part 1
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at school, we are learning spanish with our teacher.
At school, we are learning Spanish with our teacher.
my mom speaks hebrew. (2)
My mom speaks Hebrew.
the students from argentina are visiting the panama canal on saturday. (5)
The students from Argentina are visiting the Panama Canal on Saturday.
my little brother wore his spider man costume to pizza planet. (5)
My little brother wore his Spider Man costume to Pizza Planet.
jack and i will visit lake tahoe on our way to san diego, california. (7)
Jack and I will visit Lake Tahoe on our way to San Diego, California.
i have monday off from school because of passover. (3)
I have Monday off from school because of Passover.
billy and max donated a box of crayola crayons to mr. diaz's classroom. (5)
Billy and Max donated a box of Crayola crayons to Mr. Diaz's classroom.
i took that picture of the eiffel tower in paris, france. (5)
I took that picture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
southwest airlines does not fly to havana, the capital of cuba. (4)
Southwest Airlines does not fly to Havana, the capital of Cuba.
my favorite restaurant is king's fish house on fifth avenue. (6)
My favorite restaurant is King Fish's House on Fifth Avenue.
louis went shopping at target on balboa avenue. (4)
Louis went shopping at Target on Balboa Avenue.
i was born on april 10, 2008 in bethesda, maryland. (4)
I was born on April 10, 2008 in Bethesda, Maryland.
mercury and venus are closer to the sun than earth. (3)
Mercury and Venus are closer to the sun than Earth.
stanley meets with his camp green lake friends every friday. (5)
Stanley meets with his Camp Green Lake friends every Friday.
mallorca is an island located in the mediterranian sea. (3)
Mallorca is an island located in the Mediterranian Sea.
for arbor day, the students in mrs. russel's class planted trees. (5)
For Arbor Day, the students in Mrs. Russel's class planted trees.
my little sister kendra loves to sing "love story". (4)
My little sister Kendra loves to sing "Love Story."
for labor day, james and i are going camping at yorba state park. (8)
For Labor Day, James and I are going camping at Yorba State Park.
my favorite subjects in school are math, spanish, and art. (2)
My favorite subjects in school are math, Spanish, and art.
kenny's favorite book is freckle juice, which was written by judy blume. (5)
Kenny's favorite book is Freckle Juice, which was written by Judy Blume.
on wednesday, june 6, 2018, i visited the empire state building in new york city. (10)
On Wednesday, June 6, 2018, I visited the Empire State Building in New York City.
for halloween, i am dressing up as batman, and mark is dressing up as robin. (6)
For Halloween, I am dressing up as Batman, and Mark is dressing up as Robin.
hawaii is located in the pacific ocean. (3)
Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean.
have you read the book nate the great by marjorie wienman sharmat? (6)
Have you read the book Nate the Great by Marjorie Wienman Sharmat?
in august we are going on a disney cruise to the caribbean. (4)
In August we are going on a Disney cruise to the Caribbean.
last summer, fred read the book diary of a wimpy kid in one day. (5)
Last summer, Fred read the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid in one day.
last friday, i sang the "star-spangled banner" at the baseball game. (6)
Last Friday, I sang the "Star-Spangled Banner" at the baseball game.
gary and i did not know that moscow is the capital of russia. (4)
Gary and I did not know that Moscow is the capital of Russia.
the students went on a field trip to riley's farm last october. (3)
The students went on a field trip to Riley's farm last October.