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CAE - Phrasal verbs

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Somebody in the marketing department has ........ upon this idea of giving away free pens to anyone who visits the office. (to have an idea)
The teacher ........ off the boys for behaving rudely.
The boxer was knocked ........ in the tenth round. (to cause someone to become unconscious)
You can buy the same jacket in town for half what you paid for it. I'm afraid you were ripped ........ .
I wouldn't be ........ in by his story about being poor. He comes from a very wealthy background. (to deceive)
It was really strong cheese and ........ off this terrible smell that filled the whole house. (to send off a strong smell)
I'm not acquainted ........ the new product. Could you describe it to me? (to know about something)
I've got so many things piling ... at work. I might have to work late to get things finished. (to accumulate)
I was robbed on holiday last year. Whoever did it ........ off with all my travellers cheques.
The pass mark was 60% and she just managed to ........ through with 61%. (to succeed by the narrowest of margins)
I was able to ........ on some of my savings to pay for the holiday. (to make use of something that is in reserve or saved)
He realised his speech was going to finish too soon so he had to ........ it out a bit.
It was 9.00 when the train finally ........ in more than one hour late. (to arrive at the station)
I'm afraid I've got to leave work early. A problem's ........ up at home that I need to sort out. (to happen unexpectedly)
As soon as I get paid I'll ....... up with you. (to pay someone the money you owe them)
She must be rather insecure as every time I talk to her about work she always ........ her colleagues down. (to criticise someone)
Everybody ........ him off when he was doing his exams. They couldn't believe it when he finally passed and went to university. (to decide that somebody is useless or not able to do something)
Look! Can you stop ........ about and get down to some work please. (to behave in a stupid way especially when it wastes time)
You should always try to ........ up before doing any exercise to avoid injuring yourself. (to prepare for exercise by doing a warm up routine)
I've been a little bit concerned about him recently. He's been ........ around with some well known local criminals. (to spend time with people as a friend)
Susan and I have decided to ........ up. We haven't been getting on very well lately. (to end a relationship)
I had so many reports to ........ through at work that I didn't get home until late at night. (to do something that takes a lot of time)
I've got so many things piling ... at work. I might have to work late to get things finished. (to accumulate)
Somebody has been ........ about a story that he's been cheating in exams. I'm sure it's not true. (to spread a rumour)
His mum told him to ........ off when he asked to borrow the car. She didn't trust him with it. (to tell someone to go away)
We really do need to get another car. This one keeps ........ down. (when a car stops working)
It's tearing me ........ to see my two best friends arguing so much. I wish they'd sort their differences out and start being friendly with each other again. (to make someone feel upset or unhappy)
Do you think this type of music will ever ........ on or will it only ever be a small group of people who like it? (to become popular)
I couldn't decide what to get her for her birthday. Then I ........ on a great idea. (to think of a problem or solution)
The company are attempting to head ........ criticism of their recent poor performance by pointing out the difficult economic conditions worldwide. (to take action to avoid something unpleasant happening)
The watch my father left me is the one object that I could never ........ with. (to give away or sell something that you value)
You've been teasing me all day. Just ........ it in! (To stop doing something)
He's been ........ off school lately. I've seen him walking around the shopping centre. (To miss school or work without permission)