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COMPLETE PET_UNIT 10_Looks amazing!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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FOOD: Countable or uncountable? Can it have a plural form?
It can be BOTH! - YES
DISH: Countable or uncountable? Can it have a plural form?
countable - YES
MEAL: Countable or uncountable? Can it have a plural form?
countable - YES
PLATE: Countable or uncountable? Can it have a plural form?
countable - YES
COURSE: Countable or uncountable?Can it have a plural form?
countable - YES
Which one is it: DISH / COURSE / PLATE? - A flat, round object which is used fo putting food on.
Which one is it: DISH / MEAL / COURSE? - When you eat, or the food that you eat at the time.
Which one is it: PLATE / FOOD / DISH? - Something that people and animals eat to keep them alive.
Which one is it: COURSE / DISH / MEAL? - Food that is prepared in a particular way, as part of a meal. (e.g. fish and chips, lasagne etc.)
Which one is it: COURSE / DISH / FOOD? - A part of a meal (e.g. starters and desserts)