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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(WA1) You are sick => You should / shouldn't see a doctor.
(WB6) You mustn't go to bed early.
You must go to bed early.
(WB5) He must be noisy in the classroom.
He mustn't be noisy in the classroom.
(WB4) You mustn't listen to me.
You must listen to me.
(WB3) The boy should drink too much coke.
The boy shouldn't drink too much coke.
(WB2) Mary shouldn't take medicine.
Mary shouldn take medicine.
(WC5) (must) You follow the rules at school.
You must follow the rules at school.
(WC4) (should) They take a shower after playing outside.
They should take a shower after playing outside.
(WC3) (mustn't) You jump on the sofa.
You mustn't jump on the sofa.
(WC2) (should not) He plays computer games all day.
He should not play computer games all day.
(WD7) be / the library / You / in / quiet / should
You should be quiet in the library.
(WD6) your / every day / must / You / uniform / wear
You must wear your uniform every day.
(WD5) You / study / get / should / to / hard / a good grade
You should study hard to get a good grade.
(WD4) He / up / get / should / early
He should get up early.
(WD3) shouldn't / in / the hallway / They / run
They shouldn't run in the hallway.
(WD2) fight / mustn't / with / You / friends / your
You mustn't fight with your friends.
(WD1) You / bite / shouldn't / fingernails / your
You shouldn't bite your fingernails.
(SG5) (must) The puppy stays at home.
The puppy must stay at home.
(SG4) (should not) He plays computer games all day.
He should not play computer games all day.
(SG3) (should) Does the teacher give us homework?
Should the teacher give us homework?
(SG2) (mustn't) We drink too much coke.
We mustn't drink too much coke.
(SF4) The boy shouldn't drank too much soda.
The boy shouldn't drink too much soda.
(SF3) Mary should taking medicine.
Mary should take medicine.
(SF2) You mustn't go to bed early.
You must go to bed early.