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Dairy Review

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Type of cheese that melts well but can also be used as slices, shredded or cubed.
Semi-Soft Cheese
Hard Cheese
Soft Cheese
Semi-Hard Cheese
Example of a hard cheese
Cottage Cheese
Cream Cheese
Example of Semi-Soft Cheese
Monterey Jack
Milk Alternative
Almond Milk
Whole Milk
Example of Soft Cheese
Cottage Cheese
Monterey Jack
Nutritionally, _______ cheeses are rich in fat, protein, and minerals. They have the least amount of moisture in any type of cheese so they keep longer. Hard cheese is aged or ripened.
Hard Cheese
Semi Hard
Semi Soft
aged for less than 6 months and are relatively mild-tasting. They are very dense and firm, but still have some springiness.
Semi Hard Cheese
Hard Cheese
Semi Soft Cheese
Soft Cheese
Butter must be a minimum of _____ milk fat.
A butter substitute made from hydrogenate oils is called:
sour cream
cream cheese
high fat butter
During Pasteurization, milk should be heated to AT LEAST:
Vitamins are added to raw milk in a process called:
Canned Milk should be
Stored in a cool, dry place
should be froze
Should be used before raw milk
FIFO is encouraged for storing milk because
It should be rotated so that the oldest milk is used first
It should be refrigerator
It should be a high grade milk
Store in a cool, dark place
What is the term to describe a milk product with a custard like consistency. It is made by fermenting partially skimmed milk with special acid forming bacteria?
whipping cream
half and half
sour cream
Sweetened Condenced Milk
A canned whole milk concentrate with added sugar
contains 3.25% milkfat
nonfat milk
contains 2% milk
Evaporated Milk
a canned whole milk prepared by evaporating enough water
nonfat milk
a canned whole milk with added sugar
fresh, unpasteurized milk
Nonfat Dry Milk
Is the product obtained by removal of water only
contains over 3.25% milkfat
a canned whole milk concentrate
contains 2% milkfat
Whole Milk
3.25% milkfat
non fat milk
2% milkfat
straight from the cow
Raw Milk
Fresh, unpasteurized milk straight from the cow
Contains 2% milkfat
Non fat milk
A canned whole milk concentrate
2% Milk
Contains 2% milkfat
Nonfat milk
is the product obtained by removal of water
canned whole milk concentrate, with added sugar
Skim Milk
Non Fat Milk
Contains over 3.25% milkfat
Contains 2% milkfat
Fresh, unpasteurized milk straight from the cow
Two Nutrients found in cows milk include:
Riboflavin and Calcium
Calcium and Vitamin C
Phosphorus and Vitamin C
Riboflavin and Vitamin C
Cow's milk is made from protein, fat, carbohydrates, and
75% Water
25% Water
100% Cream
10% Water