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London Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the most popular sport in London?
The tower of London is now a museum, but in the past it was a...
The weather in London is usually...
It is a very famous bridge over the Thames. They open it when a big ship comes.
The Tower Bridge
A famous character, who solves mysteries and lives in Baker Street.
Sherlock Holmes
London's official sport is...
A very famous museum with wax figures of famous people.
Madame Tussaud's.
A place where you can have an espectacular view of London. It looks like a bicycle wheel.
London Eye.
The place where you can see the Crown Jewels
The Tower of London
A very famous park in London.
Hyde Park
It is a type of transport that travels under the surface.
A type of bus only used in London.
Double decker bus
A person who stands outside of the Queen's Palace.
A guard
It is in the centre of London and there are lots of cinemas, theatres and shops there. There are always a lot of people there, too.
Piccadilly Circus
It is a very famous bridge over the Thames. They open it when a big ship comes.
Tower Bridge
It is a very famous church in London, not far from the Houses of Parliament. The kings and queens were crowned here.
Westminster Abbey
It is a big clock tower. It is famous all over the world. It is part of the Houses of parliament. It is one of the symbols of London.
Big Ben.