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Guess the animal + Classification

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This animal is dangerous and venomous. It has claws and 8 legs.
Scorpion - Arachnid
This animal is very small, it has 6 legs and it's red and black. It's very cute.
Lady bug - insect
This animal has scales and a shell on its back. It can swim.
Turtle - Reptile
This animal is gray and very big. It can stomp. The babies drink milk.
Elephant - Mammal
This animal has gills and sharp teeth. It is a very dangerous animal that live in the ocean.
Shark - Fish
This animal has fur and likes to climb trees. The babies drink milk.
Monkey - Mammal
This animal has pink feathers and a beek.
Flamingo - Birds
This animal has feathers and can repeat what people say.
Parrot - Birds
This animal has feathers, can fly and can twist its neck. It is a NIGHT animal.
Owl - Birds
This animal has fins and scales. It lives in the water.
Fish - Fish
What is the classification for animals that lay hard eggs on land, have dry skin and scales?
This animal has wet skin, lay eggs in water and can jump.
Frog - Amphibian
This animal has dry skin and scales. It has a big tongue and it can change color.
Chameleon - Reptile
This animal doesn't have hair or fur, but it has lungs. It's the biggest animal in the world.
Blue whale - mammal
When this animal is a baby, it drinks milk. It is orange and yellow and it has a long neck.
Giraffe - Mammal
This animal has dry skin and scales. It can swim, it has a big mouth and it's very dangerous.
Crocodile/alligator - reptile
This animal has beautiful and colorful wings. It's invertebrate and has 6 legs.
Butterfly - Insect
This animal has 8 legs and it's venomous. The most dangerous specie is called black widow.
Spider - Arachnid