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Do or Does

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The children play outside everyday.
Do the children play outside everyday?
Do the children plays outside everyday?
Does the children play outside everyday?
Does the children plays outside everyday?
The student reads a lot of books.
Does the student read a lot of books?
Does the student reads a lot of books?
Do the student read a lot of books?
Do the student reads a lot of books?
Your mom speaks Chinese.
Does your mom speak Chinese?
Does your mom speaks Chinese?
Do your mom speak Chinese?
Do your mom speaks Chinese?
The bug eats the leaf.
Does the bug eat the leaf?
Does the bug eats the leaf?
Do the bug eat the leaf?
Do the bug eats the leaf?
We understand the question.
Do we understand the question?
Do we understands the question?
Does we understand the question?
Does we understands the question?
You walk to school everyday.
Do you walk to school everyday?
Do you walks to school everyday?
Does you walk to school everyday?
Does you walks to school everyday?
I speak good English.
Do I speak good English?
Do I speaks good English?
Does I speak good English?
Does I speaks good English?
He knows the answer.
Does he know the answer?
Does he knows the answer?
Do he know the answer?
Do he knows the answer?
The cat jumps on the bed.
Does the cat jump on the bed?
Does the cat jumps on the bed?
Do the cat jump on the bed?
Do the cat jumps on the bed?
The boy walks to school.
Does the boy walk to school?
Does the boy walks to school?
Do the boy walk to school?
Do the boy walks to school?
Teacher Thomas ________ not speak French.
Your friend _______ not have a dog.
The people _______ not like walking.
My mom and I _______ not like pizza.
The bug _______ not have wings.
The paper ________ not have a place to write my name.
The students _________ not have homework today
The student ________ know the answer!
The cat _______ not like dogs.
They _______ not walk to school.
We _______ not like to eat rice!
She ________ her homework very quickly.
He _______ a lot of homework everyday.
You _______ not speak Chinese.
I ________ not have a sister.