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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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please? / have a tissue / Can I
Can I have a tissue please?
What will you say before asking someone you don't know?
Excuse me
move aside/ Can you / please?
Can you move aside please?
What will you say if you can't see the words on the board?
Can you move aside please?
please?/ take some medicine /Can you
Can you take some medicine please?
some soup/ Can I have / please?
Can I have some soup please?
What is "pedir prestado" in english?
picture?/ /take a /Can I
Can I take a picture?
please?/ of warm water / Can I have a glass
Can I have a glass of warm water please?
the window/ please?/ Can you open
Can you open the window please?
call the doctor/ Can you/ please?
Can you call the doctor please?
What will you answer if someone says "Thank you"?
You're welcome
What will you say if you need a marker?
Can I borrow a marker please?
What will you say if you want to watch on the television?
Can I watch on the television please?
What will you say if you need a rubber?
Can I borrow a rubber please?
What will you say if you need help?
Can you help me please?
What will you say if you want to play your brother's toy?
Can I borrow your toy please?
What will you say if you need a pencil?
Can I borrow a pencil please?
What will you say if you need the toilet?
Can I go to the toilet please?