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Advertising campaign

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Don't trust a____________c____________ because they can be m___________and b_____
advertising campaigns, misleading and biased
Different types of a____________(cold-c______, p____ up, etc) are t________o_____ the market in c_________ society
advertisement, cold-calling, pop-up, taking over, consumer
During r____________, many companies c_____ _____ , and the living standards d____
recession, close down, drop
Chinese cars t_______ ___ the Russian market, their s_____ are g______ in numbers
taking over, sales, grow in numbers
Although GAP is standing for GENUINE AMERICAN PRODUCT, most of their clothes are m______________and i________ from Asia
manufactured, imported
When you t_________ o_______the market and e_________your company, you hardly ever d____ w______ making people r________
take over, expand, do without, making
He didn't d___ m___________-r_____________, that's why his business plan was an i____________ f_______
do market research, immediate flop
Unfortunately, after a large a__________c_________ with a lot of p__________, the company m______ a l____
advertising campaign, publicity, made a loss
________ your business and don't i____________with mine, please
Mind, interfere
After the c_________with an c___________slogan, the sales of the product g________ in n_______
commercial, catchy, grew in numbers
Two e____________m_____ a d_______and m______ two companies
entrepreneurs, made a deal, merged
People who e______________the brands in social media have a big a__________ of p____________
endorse, amount of publicity
In a c__________society a____________ c______________become popular s___________
consumer society, advertising campaigne, straightforward
Before l_________a new product, it is necessary to d____ m__________ r______
launching, do market research
In r__________period many people m________the e______ m_______
recession, make ends meet
It's i___________that her e____________of the company will lead to m__________old people r________
inevitable, expansion, making people redundant
Tha fact that all businessmen are cruel is a f_________ c__________, it is really m__________because there are good companies that m________and have a sucusseful busness together
false claim, misleading, merge
All the b___________of the compay are d________ w________, so we will m_______ a p_________ soon
branches, doing well, make a profit
A good e_______________shouldn't m_____ the b___________with p__________
entrepreneur mix business with pleasure