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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Собака бежит.
The dog is running.
Птицы летят.
The birds are flying.
Девушка поет.
The girl is singing.
Дети рисуют.
The children are drawing.
Ученики читают книги.
The students are reading their books.
Девочка танцует.
The girl is dancing.
Молодой человек играет на маленькой гитаре.
The young man is playing the small guitar.
Мой папа и мой дедушка рыбачат сейчас.
My dad and my grandpa are fishing now.
Моя бабушка играет на пианино.
My granny is playing the piano now.
Девочка едет на велосипеде.
The girl is riding her bike noq.
Мой папа едет на машине сейчас.
My dad is driving a car now.
Мы смотрим телевизор.
We are watching TV.
Я готовлю обед сейчас.
I'm cooking lunch now.
Мой хомячок играет с (with) мячиком.
My hamster is playing with a ball.
Мой кот спит под диваном сейчас.
My cat is sleeping under the sofa now.
Мальчики веселятся сейчас.
The boys are having fun now.
Моя мама моет посуду на кухне сейчас.
Мy mum is washing the dishes шт the kitchen now.
Идет снег.
It's snowing.
Идет дождь.
It's raining.
Мальчишки играют в футбол.
The boys are playing football now.
Папа моет машину сейчас.
My dad is washing the car now.
Мои бабушка и дедушка пьют горячий чай сейчас.
My grandmother and grandfather are drinking hot tea now.
Я делаю домашнюю работу.
I'm doing my homework.
Дети лепят снеговика.
The children are making a snowman.
Мой младший брат слушает музыку.
Мн little brother is listening to music.
Мальчики купаются в озере.
The boys are swimming in the lake.