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What TV show is this?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What TV show is this?
What TV show is this?
Star Trek
What TV show is this?
What TV show is this?
Gilmore Girls
What TV show is this?
What TV show is this?
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
What TV show is this?
Breaking Bad
What TV show is this?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
What TV show is this?
Orange is the New Black
What TV show is this?
The Office
What TV show is this?
Better Call Saul
What TV show is this?
Tiger King
What TV show is this?
New Girl
What TV show is this?
The Last Dance
What TV show is this?
Parks and Recreation
What TV show is this?
Schitt's Creek
What TV show is this?
The Great British Baking Show
What TV show is this?
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
What TV show is this?
The Good Place
What TV show is this?
The Queen's Gambit
What TV show is this?
Big Bang Theory
What TV show is this?
Dead to Me
What TV show is this?
Gossip Girl
What TV show is this?
Stranger Things