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Gr, Voc & Punctuation mistakes

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He have an old green car.
Haw money miskates can you find in thes sentence?.
How … many … mistakes …this … (no full stop)
Its not a good idea to stay awake all night and sleep in class.
I read a vere interesting book in Friday
… very … on … (.)
I like writing it’s a nice skill.
(,) / because
Resturants with freindly stuff are my favourite.
Restaurants … friendly … staff
I’ve long hair, but my brother have short hair.
I’ve got / I have … has
Cats is nice, that’s why i like they.
… are …I … them
I like whaite cars, but I don’t like bleu cars.
white … blue
Kabsa is dilecus.
I interesting in classic cars.
I’m interested in …
My favuorite language is arabik.
… favourite … Arabic
He is studint.
.. a student
Your my friend, so let’s have coffe togather.
You’re … coffee … together
The festoval is happning this week.
festival … happening
Do you remember the man I met him yesterday.
him (x) …. (?)
He didn’t gave me the keys
give … (.)
He has got a bread and a littel mustache.
beard … little
I guess his eys are brawn.
eyes … brown
He’s from USA.
the USA