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ALL TENSE REVIEW(2) 1st bach

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We normally ___________________ together every second Sunday, but this month everyone ___________________ on holiday, so we ___________________ any meetings. (GET, BE, NOT HAVE)
We normally get together every second Sunday, but this month everyone is on holiday, so we aren't having/ don't have any meetings.
I _______________________ the cup finals when you arrived. (WATCH)
I was watching/ had been watching the cup finals when you arrived.
John ___________________ our flight this morning, but he ___________________ hotel arrangements yet. (BOOK, NOT MAKE)
John booked/ has booked our flight this morning, but he hasn't made hotel arrangements yet.
I saw him sitting on the sofa. He ___________________ very tired because he _______________________ too much. (BE, WORK)
saw him sitting on the sofa. He was very tired because he had been working too much.
In our history lesson yesterday my friend and I ___________________ to each other and we ___________________ attention. Suddenly, our history teacher ___________________ right next to us. (TALK, NOT PAY, STAND).
were talking/ were not paying/ was standing
I ___________________ I want any dessert. I ___________________ too much to eat already. (NOT THINK, HAVE)
I don't think I want any dessert. I have had too much to eat already.
Living in a foreign country was strange at first, but we ___________________ used to it. (GET)
Living in a foreign country was strange at first, but we got used to it.
Tina ______________________ her emails for the last two hours. (CHECK)
Tina has been checking her emails for the last two hours.
Look, Mary ___________________ the windows. Nobody ___________________ them for over a month. (CLEAN, CLEAN)
Look, Mary is cleaning the windows. Nobody has cleaned them for over a month.
I ___________________ smoking three years ago. Before that, I ______________________ for over a decade. (STOP, SMOKE)
I stopped smoking three years ago. Before that, I had been smoking for over a decade.
After Claire ___________________ for half an hour, she suddenly ___________________ to check her watch. (RUN, STOP)
After Claire had been running for half an hour, she suddenly stopped to check her watch.
Your car is fine now. There was a problem with the gears, but we ___________________ it. (FIX)
Your car is fine now. There was a problem with the gears, but we have fixed/ fixed it.
His family ___________________ to Singapore when he was three, then they ___________________ back again when he started high school. (MOVE, MOVE)
His family moved/ had moved to Singapore when he was three, then they moved back again when he started high school.
Most police officers ___________________ uniforms to work. Only detectives in higher positions ___________________ their street clothes. (WEAR, WEAR)
Most police officers wear uniforms to work. Only detectives in higher positions wear their street clothes.
Last night, when I ___________________ dinner, my mom ___________________. I totally ___________________ about the roast in the oven, and I ___________________ everything. (MAKE, CALL, FORGET, BURN)
Last night, when I was making dinner, my mom called. I totally forgot / had totally forgot about the roast in the oven, and I burned everything.