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Giver Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who said... "It will take everyone a while to realize that I'm not there at all."
Who said..."I'm glad you are a good swimmer Jonas. But stay away from the river."
Jonas sees many animals on his journey to Elsewhere. Name 2
deer, fish, bird possibly a fox or squirrel
Who said... "It's bye bye to you Gabe in the morning."
How long did Rosemary train to be a receiver?
5 weeks
Who was the one to release Rosemary?
She did it herself
What job does mother suggest would be perfect for Lily because she loves to talk?
How much time has gone by since the book began?
Almost 1 year
How is the following image connected to chapter 21?
Planes search for Jonas and Gabriel after they leave
How is the following image connected to chapter 17?
Jonas is upset when Asher and their friends play war
How is the following image connected to chapter 23?
The sled is waiting for Jonas and Gabriel at the top of the hill
How is the following image connected to chapter 17?
Jonas now sees all the colors all the time
How is the following image connected to chapter 23?
Jonas hears music when he goes to Elsewhere
How is the following image connected to chapter 20?
Rosemary was the Giver's daughter
How is the following image connected to chapter 19?
Jonas's father injects the smaller twin "releasing" him
How does the following image connect to chapter 21?
Jonas takes his dad's bike because he has to take Gabriel with him.