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Exam Review E5 - 2P

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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PHV: I'm trying to _____ on sugar, so I'm only having one dessert a week.
cut back
PHV: It takes time to get over a ______, but your friends or family will help you.
break up
PHV: The tour group will _____ into smaller groups to explore the museum.
split up
PHV: Can you help me ____ the new printer?
set up
PHV: Please ______ a moment while I transfer you to the customer service department.
hang on
PHV: I'll ___ you ____ from the airport after your flight arrives.
pick up
M/D: I'm going to ______ my best on my presentation today, even though I'm nervous.
M/D: The company _____ a profit last year, which means they made more money than they spent.
M/D: My grandma asked me to ____ a phone call to her friend Gladys.
M/D: Before my history exam, I'm going to ______ a research paper on ancient Egypt
M/D: It's important to _______ some exercise every day to stay healthy.
M/D: I need to ______ a list of the students that will be traveling to the championship.
WF: The __________ documentary held the audience's attention until the very end. (fascinate/adjective)
The fascinating documentary held the audience's attention until the very end.
WF: She looked __________ when she received the unexpected gift. (amaze/adjective)
She looked amazed when she received the unexpected gift.
WF: The baby slept __________ through the entire night. (peaceful/adverb)
The baby slept peacefully through the entire night.
WF: The students __________ participated in the school's talent show. (enthusiastic/adverb)
The students enthusiastically participated in the school's talent show.
WF: We need to find a __________ to this problem as soon as possible. (solve/noun)
We need to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible.
WF: The __________ of this painting took several months to complete. (create/noun)
The creation of this painting took several months to complete.
WF: The company is looking for a candidate with good __________ skills (communicate/noun)
The company is looking for a candidate with good communication skills
PV: Millions watched the Olympic Games ceremony yesterday.
The Olympic Games ceremony was watched by millions yesterday.
PV: My sister is growing vegetables in our garden for a class project.
Vegetables are being grown by my sister in our garden for a class project.
PV: The photographer is taking the wedding photos at the venue.
The wedding photos are being taken by the photographer at the venue.
PV: The secretary is answering the emails right now.
The emails are being answered by the secretary right now.
PV: The girl saw the thief's face when he stole the neighbor's car.
The thief's face was seen by the girl when he stole the neighbor's car.
PV: The technician installed the fans yesterday.
The fans were installed by the techinician yesterday.
PV: Many countries around the world speak English.
English is spoken by many countries around the world.
PV: He cleans the floor every morning.
The floor is cleaned by him every morning.