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Commas in Dates, Series, Yes/No, Direct Addresse ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What question will give you this answer? Yes, Emma can go to the park.
Can Emma go to the park?
Answer the question: Shall we go for a walk? (Yes)
Yes, we shall go for a walk.
Answer the question: May I borrow your pen? (Yes)
Yes, you may borrow my pen.
Add Commas: No I'm not wearing glasses at the moment.
No, I'm not wearing glasses at the moment.
Add Commas: No my birthday is in October.
No, my birthday is in October.
Add Commas: Yes I went horseback riding when I was younger.
Yes, I went horseback riding when I was younger.
What question will give you this answer? No, Mary does not like to sing.
Does Mary like to sing?
What question will give you this answer? Yes, Joseph can play during recess.
Can Joseph play during recess?
What question will give you this answer? No, I do not like that dessert.
Do you like that dessert?
What question will give you this answer? Yes, Gabriel may buy cookies for the class.
May Gabriel buy cookies for the class?
What question will give you this answer? No, Hannah cannot go to your house.
Can Hannah go to your house?
Answer the question: Can you bring me my jacket? (Yes)
Yes, I can bring you your jacket.
Absolutely Dan wants to go to the beach.
Absolutely, Dan wants to go to the beach.
No Samantha did not want a surprise party.
No, Samantha did not want a surprise party.
Add commas to: Hi Samantha do you want to be partners for the class project?
Hi, Samantha, do you want to be partners for the class project?
Add commas to: Hi Lily can you save me a seat at lunch?
Hi, Lily, can you save me a seat at lunch?
Add commas to: Hi David congratulations on winning the spelling bee!
Hi, David, congratulations on winning the spelling bee!
Add commas to: Hey Jessica did you finish your science project?
Hey, Jessica, did you finish your science project?
Add commas to: Hello Mr. Davis can I borrow a pencil, please?
Hello, Mr. Davis, can I borrow a pencil, please?
Add commas to: Hi Emily can you help me with my math homework?
Hi, Emily, can you help me with my math homework?
Add commas to: Hey Michael want to play catch after school?
Hey, Michael, want to play catch after school?
Add commas to: Hello Mrs. Johnson may I ask a question?
Hello, Mrs. Johnson, may I ask a question?
Add commas to: Hi Alex how was your day at school?
Hi, Alex, how was your day at school?
Add commas to: Hey Sarah can you pass me the crayons?
Hey, Sarah, can you pass me the crayons?
Add commas to: No I didn't hear about the cancellation of the concert.
No, I didn't hear about the cancellation of the concert.
Add commas to: Yes I have read the latest news article.
Yes, I have read the latest news article.
Add commas to: Yes I agree with you.
Yes, I agree with you.
Add commas to: No I haven't seen that movie yet.
No, I haven't seen that movie yet.
Add commas to: Yes I did receive your email.
Yes, I did receive your email.
Add commas to: Yes I can attend the meeting tomorrow.
Yes, I can attend the meeting tomorrow.
Add commas to: No I haven't finished my homework yet.
No, I haven't finished my homework yet.
Add commas to: Yes I would like to join the book club.
Yes, I would like to join the book club.
Add commas to: She loves to read mystery novels watch movies go hiking and travel to new places.
She loves to read mystery novels, watch movies, go hiking, and travel to new places.
Add commas to: The ingredients for the recipe include flour sugar eggs butter and vanilla extract.
The ingredients for the recipe include flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and vanilla extract.
Add commas to: She packed her suitcase with clothes shoes toiletries and her passport.
She packed her suitcase with clothes, shoes, toiletries, and her passport.
Add commas to: The party decorations included balloons streamers confetti and a cake.
The party decorations included balloons, streamers, confetti, and a cake.
Add commas to: I need to buy eggs milk bread and butter from the grocery store.
I need to buy eggs, milk, bread, and butter from the grocery store.
Which date is correct?
December 6, 2013
november 8, 2021
Which date is correct?
April 19, 2019
March, 19, 2011
Which date is correct?
February 6, 2019
januray 7, 2018
What date is this? 4/3/2011
April 3, 2011
What date is this? 9/20/2018
September 20, 2018
What date is this? 3/28/2016
March 28, 2016
What date is this? 10/11/2022
October 11, 2022
What date is this? 7/19/2017
July 19, 2017
Reorganize the words to create a date: 8 January Friday 2022
Friday, January 8, 2022
Reorganize the words to create a date: 6 1998 November Monday
Monday, November 6, 1998
Add commas to: Tuesday August 22 1956
Tuesday, August 22, 1956
Add commas to: Sunday November 3 2021
Sunday, November 3, 2021
Add commas to: Friday April 10 2010
Friday, April 10, 2010
Add commas to: Wednesday April 5 2019
Wednesday, April 5, 2019
Add commas to: Monday March 17 2020
Monday, March 17, 2020