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Carnivorous plants

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can carnivorous plants have flowers? Why?
Yes, they can. To attract the prey.
What attracts the prey to carnivorous plants?
True or false: some carnivorous plant reflect ultraviolet light.
True or false: carnivorous plants can be found underwater.
True. Snap Traps.
True or false: stalks absorve nutrients with digestive soup.
What happens if an insect gets close to a carnivorous plant?
It gets stuck.
True or false: some species of carnivorous plants can have tentacles.
How does the soil has to be for a carnivorous plant to grow?
Low in nutrients.
True or false: carnivorous plants DON'T eat arachnids.
True or false: carnivorous plants can eat frogs.
True or false: carnivorous plants can eat mice.
True or false: carnivorous plants eat only insects.
True or false: there are only 2 species of carnivorous plants.
False. There are 625 species.