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Adjectives and Opposites

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the opposite of right?
What's the opposite of wrong?
What's the opposite of weak?
What's the opposite of strong?
What's the opposite of rich?
From Portuguese to English: Eu tenho um tio rico.
I have a rich uncle.
From Portuguese to English: É uma língua nova.
It's a new language.
From Portuguese to English: Essa é uma cidade antiga.
This is an old town.
From Portuguese to English: O seu cabelo é curto?
Is your hair short?
From Portuguese to English: Você tem cabelo longo.
You have long hair.
What's the opposite of hot?
What's the opposite of high?
From Portuguese to English: Que café quente!
What a hot coffee!
From Portuguese to English: Aquela montanha é alta.
That mountain is high.
From Portuguese to English: O seu carro é muito lento.
Your car is very slow.
What's the opposite of slow?
From Portuguese to English: Eu moro perto daqui.
I live near here.
From Portuguese to English: Eu moro longe daqui.
I live far from here.
From Portuguese to English: Esta é uma caneta barata.
This is a cheap pen.
From Portuguese to English: Estes são relógios caros.
These are expensive watches.
What's the opposite of empty?
What's the opposite of full?
What's the opposite of easy?
From Portuguese to English: Inglês é fácil.
English is easy.
From Portuguese to English: Meu quarto está limpo.
My bedroom is clean.
From Portuguese to English: Você tem um carro sujo.
You have a dirty car.
What's the opposite of dangerous?
From Portuguese to English: É um lugar perigoso?
Is it a dangerous place?
From Portuguese to English: Eu tenho um cachorro pequeno.
I have a small dog.
What's the opposite of small?
What's the opposite of bad?
From Portuguese to English: Que livro ruim!
What a bad book!